All songs were recorded in binaural.
The session tapes for '(You're So Square) Baby
I Don't Care' (2021) are still missing, all
that remains is the mono master on a master tape
It appears that all session tapes recorded by MGM at their Sound Stage, were discarded once the masters were chosen, and the only session tapes existing today are the tapes recorded by Thorne Nogar at Radio Recorders.
All timings in the 'Musical Breakdown' below are taken from the DVD release of the movie.
In March of 2007, Sony decided to go through all of Elvis' masters. They retransferred everything and remastered all tracks including repairing as many clicks, pops, bad edits and dropouts as they could. They have used these newly mastered recordings on their new releases since 2007 including budget soundtracks, Legacy releases, the 30 disc Complete Elvis Presley Masters collection and the Franklin Mint package.
Thanks to David English for extensive research on these sessions.
Notes from a review of Jailhouse Rock Volume
1 (FTD) by Piers Beagley (Elvis
Information Network)
(You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care
(CD1, track 5) the original - What a classic!
With Bill Black unable to get the bubbling bass
intro correct he had stormed out the studio. To
everyone's surprise Elvis then picked up the electric
bass and played it himself with Jerry Leiber providing
a scratch vocal. Elvis then overdubbed his own
vocal, firstly at Radio Recorders, but getting
the perfect master vocal overdub five days later
on the MGM Soundstage.
(track 24) movie edit (Take 16/Overdub Take 6)
- This is the same as record release being the
final vocal overdub. Here we are presented with
it in binaural and there is a minimal movie edit
with the final bass play-off being edited down
two bars, making the song slightly shorter.
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