Confederate soldiers led by Vance Reno (Richard Egan) rob a Union train of its payroll money. But because the Civil War officially ended the day before, their theft was not a legitimate act of war. Now an outlaw, Vance takes his share and heads home, where he intends to marry his fiancée, Cathy (Debra Paget). But upon arrival he discovers that she has already married his youngest brother, Clint (Elvis Presley). The troubled family tries to reconnect -- while also evading the law.
The story begins in the midst of the Civil War, with three of the Reno brothers away fighting. The three brothers away were Vance, Brett and Ray and, of course, the one at home was Clint, played by Elvis. In the closing stages of the war the three brothers robbed a Federal train, which was carrying an army payroll, without knowing that the war was over. Helping them to rob the train were three others who went their separate ways after receiving their share of the haul.
The three brothers made their way home all very happy and Vance extra-specially happy as he was hoping to make his long-standing girlfriend Cathy, his wife. When they reached home the atmosphere wasn't quite so happy and carefree as they had hoped it would be for the rest of the family had been told that Vance had been killed. As well as this Cathy had married the other brother, Clint, while Vance was away. In the days that passed the tension didn't ease as Cathy made it very clear that she was still in love with Vance although she had married Clint. Vance decided it would be best if he left. He planned on making his departure at the community picnic where Clint (Elvis) was going to entertain the crowd with his wild singing.
Unfortunately he told Cathy of his plans just before he was going to leave, Clint caught sight of what was happening and arrived on the scene more or less at the same time as a detective followed by a U.S. posse. He inquired, and hinted, after the whereabouts of the stolen money. The three brothers were then arrested. The other three taking part in the raid-Gavin, Kelso and Fleming, arrived too late to warn the brothers of their imminent arrest.
Of course, Elvis played the role of the loyal brother believing Vance to be innocent. He determined that at all lengths Vance should be freed. This was achieved but Vance didn't do what was expected of him for he made them all hand over their share of the money and then he was going to give it to the detective. Their share of the money was hidden at the farm and as there were detectives stalking the premises Vance sent an old friend to retrieve the money. Cathy saw him getting it and took it off him so that she could go and give it to Vance herself.
While all this was happening Clint was with the other three, Gavin, Kelso and Fleming, who were trying to make him believe that Vance had stolen Cathy away from him. Clint went after Cathy and captured her. Vance heard about this on the way to the town where he was going to give the detective the money. He went to their childhood hideout where he knew she would be. As Clint's brother, he didn't believe that Clint would try to kill him but Clint was demented by the stories put in his head by the other three.
As Vance approached the cave where Clint was hiding with Cathy, Clint pulled the trigger of the gun and shot Vance. It was then he realised his mistake and was just about to run down to where Vance was lying when Gavin, who was watching everything, shot him down. Vance was to recover, but Clint dies.
Back at the farm the film ends on "burial day". Clint is buried in the family grave with all the family by its side. The credits go up the screen with the spirit of Elvis singing, 'Love Me Tender'.
(Movie overview by Elvis Monthly - Issue 69, October 1965)